About Me


Hi! I’m Christine. I made the switch to a plant based diet in February of 2018 and have never looked back! Initially I pursued it for health reasons. I was living in a moldy apartment at the time and starting having a lot of GI issues. So naturally, I started doing my own research and came across the many benefits of a plant based diet, not only for gut health but also to prevent chronic diseases.

I had already been eating pretty healthy at this point, which for me looked like lots of fruits and veggies, very little to no dairy and only small amounts of meat or fish. Therefore, it was easy for me to make the switch overnight. I started incorporating more beans and legumes into my diet and of course started taking vitamin B12.

Since adopting a whole food plant based diet, I’ve restored my gut health, gained so much energy and am able to manage my hormones with ease. You can read more about my plant based journey with PCOS here.

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Biology and a Master of Health Science degree as a Pathologists’ Assistant. I stare at disease and cancer all day long. Unfortunately, so many of the cases I see have preventable co-morbidities, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

My hope with this website is to teach and inspire you to make easy and sustainable changes so that you can live a healthier, more vibrant life while reducing your risk for chronic disease.